Brightside Physio, Lambton, Newcastle
You can relax in our air-conditioned reception room before your appointment. We have complimentary bottled water for all new patients and our aim is to make it feel less like a medical clinic and more like our living room. You might just hear some Aretha playing in the background and the chairs are super comfy!
We want you to feel comfortable.
It can be daunting and sometimes a bit fear-inducing when you first come into a new medical appointment. New people. Have to tell your story to a physio-stranger. And you don’t even know if they can help!
So we made our reception feel like a living room. And the Brightside team are super friendly. There’s complimentary water. It smells nice and maybe you’ll hear Aretha playing in the background. It’s more day-spa than day-hospital.
Here’s what you can get help with at Brightside Physio Lambton.
> Knee Physio – dodgy knees? Pain down and Live up.
> Dance Physio – Need help to recover fast? Expert dance physio is the GO.
> Sports Physio – Want to know what your injury is? Get a clear diagnosis and plan. Fast.
> Women’s Health Physio – Is this an area you need help with? We have excellent (and Kind!) therapists to assist all your pelvic health needs
> Remedial Massage – Our massage therapist, Emma is very skilled and will listen to what you need and help you in our beautiful Brightside rooms.
Brightside Physio started in 2021 to create better physio for better humans. We saw a need in the local communities of Newcastle and especially around our location of Lambton. Places like Kotara, New Lambton, North Lambton, Adamstown, Waratah, Birmingham Gardens, Jesmond and Broadmeadow all needed a premium, high quality service. The future is bright.
We are specialists in helping these conditions/injuries:
- Headache
- Acute Wry neck
- Cervical disc
- Shoulder bursitis
- Rotator cuff tear
- Shoulder dislocation
- AC joint sprain
- Frozen Shoulder
- Tennis elbow
- Golfer’s elbow
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Thoracic pain
- Costochondritis
- Lower back pain
- Disc injury
- Sciatic pain
- Stress fracture
- Total Hip Replacement
- Gluteal tendinopathy
- Hip impingement
- Hamstring tear
- Trochanteric bursitis
- Hip arthritis
- Meniscal tear
- Total Knee Replacement
- Patellar tendinopathy
- ACL rupture / ACL tear
- MCL tear
- Patellar dislocation
- Knee arthritis
- Patello-femoral Syndrome
- Ankle sprain
- Plantar Fascitis
- Achillies tendinopathy
- Calf tear
- Peroneal tendinopathy
- Endometriosis
- Prolapse
- Peri-menopause
- Ante-natal checks
- Pelvic pain
- Pregnancy checks
- Incontinence
- Abdominal separation
Brightside Physio
90 Elder St
Lambton (Newcastle)
NSW 2299
New location!
15 Lambton Rd
Broadmeadow (Newcastle)
NSW 2292
Find parking via De Vitre Street and walk down side alley to Elder Street entrance.
Privacy Policy
We’re locacted behind Elder Street Practice. Find parking via De Vitre Street and enter via the ramp access.