Are your
knots in need?
Getting a bad massage is the worst thing you can do to feel better…
Remedial Massage Therapy in Newcastle
Book an appointment with our remedial massage therapist, Emma Hartley today.
If you’re someone with a stiff, gnarly or knotty body, you know that getting relief starts with getting a good massage. Not one that makes you worse!
The thing is, most folks with ‘knots-in-kneed’ book the wrong massage therapist and having a massage that’s too tough, too soft, too short, in a windowless room with a decent amount of awkwardness. If you find yourself pestering your partner to ‘poke the sore bit’ or ‘press on that point’ every evening then you might need some help…
That’s why we work with Emma Hartley, a remedial massage therapist who will help you to feel better. She uses the best techniques with the right amount of control and relaxation, so you don’t waste your time and money on poor quality massage.
The thing is, most folks with ‘knots-in-kneed’ book the wrong massage therapist…
Relieve the tension and release the tricky sticky stiff bits.
Book an appointment with our remedial massage therapist, Emma Hartley today.
Brightside Physio
90 Elder St
Lambton (Newcastle)
NSW 2299
New location!
15 Lambton Rd
Broadmeadow (Newcastle)
NSW 2292
Find parking via De Vitre Street and walk down side alley to Elder Street entrance.