My Big Mistake

BY Ben Hutton

It started with me. I just followed what everyone else was doing.

The first 4 of my 20 year physio career I treated patients with a variety of machines that went ‘bing’ and flashy lights. All the physios I knew did it. It was easy. Patients didn’t complain.

It looked like these contraptions were doing something. Machines like ultrasound, TENS,  shortwave and even heat lamps.

I followed blindly and expected everyone to be right. My mistake was to not challenge the status quo, the old-school thinking and the ‘its-always-been-done-that-way-so-shush’.

On a bright sunny March morning in London, I presented my review of the evidence around using machines in treatment to a group of 20 colleagues. I wasn’t feeling great about it- change is hard and challenging change is harder still. With a slightly knotty gut I stepped up to the plate and in 30 minutes explained why I thought most of the use of machines was complete bunkum.

My goal was a ‘come-to-Jesus’ moment of collective light bulbs for all my colleagues. The outcome was decidedly not, it was more a unanimous yawn, sigh and barely-concealed annoyance. I marked myself a 2/10, ate a whole humble pie and stepped off the soapbox.


The experience was more about me changing my own thinking

In hindsight – I think the experience was more about me changing my own thinking and taking responsibility for my mistakes and feeling excited about progressing as a physio.

So, I haven’t used machines in the 16 years hence. I only use treatments that work. Hands on therapy, exercise and listening properly. It’s the best way of helping as many people as possible get out of pain and expand their lives.

To start the journey out of pain with physio that actually works, book an appointment today.