The Right Diagnosis

“I’ve been to three different healthcare providers and none of them have been able to fix my problem. I just want to be able to walk my dog. You are my last resort.”
Jenny* had been experiencing knee pain for the past 6 months. She’d tried physio, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture- the whole kit and kaboodle, and none of it had worked for her. She was fed up.
It’s always a bit intimidating when a patient tells you they’ve seen several other providers because it really narrows down the list of things you can try. Massage and manipulation hadn’t worked, exercises hadn’t worked, resting it hadn’t worked, medications hadn’t worked. It was puzzling, but I liked the challenge.
I did an assessment of Jenny’s knee and everything seemed in order, No specific pain, just a dull aching that I couldn’t reproduce with any movement. She’d even brought along some x-rays of her knee which reported no abnormalities. I looked at her, puzzled.
Bodies are a bit weird like that
“Has anyone ever had a look at your hip?” I asked her.
“My hip?” she queried. “Honey, I don’t know if you’ve been listening for this last half hour, but it’s my knee that’s hurting, my hip has never given me grief in my life”.
“I know”, I said, “but just to be thorough, let’s take a look at it”. I brought her hip up into the position that I know is bound to provoke an irritated hip, and …”AH!” Jenny jumped.
“That was it!”
After some further investigation, it turned out that Jenny’s knee pain was a result of hip osteoarthritis. Bodies are a bit weird like that, pain in one spot can often be a result of an issue in an entirely different one. Once I knew what the issue was, I was able to prescribe Jenny the right exercises for her problem, and she’s now back to walking, furry friend in tow.
For the right diagnosis and to start getting better book an appointment today.